property management

Blogs dealing with property management companies. They discuss everything from management company standards to whether you have a winter emergency plan in place.

February 4, 2019

Does Your Management Company Meet These Standards?

I’ve been in the industry for more than 20 years and in that time I’ve done surveys and talked to hundreds of board members and property […]
December 3, 2018
people walking in snowstorm

Are You Ready For Winter?

Over the summer I wrote about the importance of having a comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan in place that provides guidelines for preparing for emergencies we experience […]
March 15, 2017
autumn leaves in gutter

How Gutter Maintenance Contracts Can Save THOUSANDS

  Gutters are not something townhouse and condo associations usually think of until something goes wrong.  Gutters, when they sag or fall off, make buildings look […]