property management

Blogs dealing with property management companies. They discuss everything from management company standards to whether you have a winter emergency plan in place.

February 22, 2019
Property Management contractors & maintenance

The Problem with “Self-Dealing”

Self-dealing can occur when your property management company provides maintenance or contracting services to your community using their own personnel, or personnel from an allied company. […]
February 16, 2019
Maintenance and Service

Why the Final Price Almost Never Matches the Bid

Cost overruns by maintenance and service contractors is something we hear about a lot. Why is it that these companies can’t seem to stick to their […]
February 12, 2019
Risk Management

I See This Issue Time and Time Again

Communities often don’t have a comprehensive Risk Management program in place. Why? Well, doing it right is a complicated process but it is absolutely necessary. A detailed, […]
February 10, 2019
boardroom meeting

Avoiding Board Conflicts of Interest

Nothing… and I mean nothing… can divide a community like a conflict of interest – or perceived – conflict of interest of a board member. More […]